Capital Habeas Unit Supervisor

Full time Legal

Job Description

The Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Pennsylvania is accepting applications for a Supervisor for its Capital Habeas Unit (CHU). The CHU represents death-sentenced prisoners in federal habeas corpus proceedings in the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. When ordered by the court, the CHU also represents its clients in state post-conviction proceedings in Pennsylvania.

This is a full-time position located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Supervisor for the CHU will be responsible for managing the CHU and will report directly to the Federal Public Defender. The successful applicant must: (1) be able to undertake the hiring, training, and supervision of a staff charged with the representation of petitioners in federal capital habeas proceedings; (2) be a talented legal writer and a proven advocate and litigator in capital habeas cases, with substantial experience handling capital post-conviction or capital appellate cases; (3) be team-oriented and committed to indigent criminal defense; and (4) have at least five years of relevant experience, be a graduate of an accredited law school, and be a member in good standing of the highest court in the state where licensed. 

Management experience and/or prior employment by a CHU is preferred. A background in any area of mental health and/or social work is also helpful. This position requires travel.