WA Dept. of Ecology

  • Lacey, WA, USA

The Department of Ecology is Washington's environmental protection agency. Our mission is to protect, preserve and enhance Washington's land, air and water for current and future generations. We support environmental work throughout Washington. Nearly 70 percent of our budget is passed through to local communities to pay for projects that benefit the environment.

We invest in our employees to create and sustain a working environment that encourages creative leadership, effective resource management, teamwork, professionalism and accountability.

We're scientists, engineers, environmental planners and specialists, pollution prevention specialists, inspectors, dam safety experts, hydrogeologists, chemists, emergency responders, technology innovators, fiscal officers, educators, public involvement specialists, and workforce development specialists.

We live in Washington. Some of us are from farm families; others are from towns and cities. One thing we all share is that we care deeply about our state's quality of life and the public resources entrusted to our care and protection.